Best Practices
BMC2 physicians develop best practice protocols using current research and discussion among our consortium members. Best practice protocols are intended to be a brief, easily digestible snapshot of the current best practices. They are intended to promote consistent application of best practices among physicians in Michigan, and should be viewed as a supplement to national guidelines.
BMC2 Best Practice Protocols are based on consortium-wide consensus at the time of publication. Protocols will be updated regularly, and should not be considered formal guidance, and do not replace the professional opinion of the treating physician.
PCI Best Practice Protocols
- FFR/iwFR Measurements (June 2021)
- Documentation of a CTO (Oct 2022)
- Groin Bleed Zip File with Multiple Resources (Nov 2021)
- MiCR Best Practices Toolkit
- Post-PCI Medical Management (Apr 2021)
- Prevention of Contrast Induced Acute Kidney Injury (Apr 2022)
- Radial and Ulnar Bleed Zip File with Multiple Resources (May 2022)
- Radiation Safety
- Use of IVUS/OCT
- IVUS/OCT Imaging Education Packet Zip File with Multiple Resources (Feb 2023)
- IVUS/OCT Poster Zip File with Multiple Resources (Feb 2023)
- Vascular Access (Feb 2021)
- PCI Post-procedure Care Discharge Instructions Zip File with Multiple Resources - Arabic
- PCI Post-procedure Care Discharge Instructions Zip File with Multiple Resources - English
- PCI Post-procedure Care Discharge Instructions Zip File with Multiple Resources - Spanish
- PCI Lifetime Plan for Living with Heart Stents Zip File with Arabic, English, and Spanish Versions
- Planning For Anaphylaxis in the Catheterization Laboratory (Jan 2024)
VS Best Practice Protocols
Thanks to our Best Practice Protocol Task Force Members!
Michael Tucciarone, Beaumont Troy
Javier Valle, St. Joseph Mercy Ann Arbor
Ryan Madder, Spectrum Health
Hitinder Gurm, BMC2 Program Director
Devraj Sukul, BMC2 Assoc. Program Director
Edouard Daher, Ascension St. John
Vascular Surgery
Nick Osborne, BMC2 Program Director
Peter Henke, Michigan Medicine
Nicolas Mouawad, McLaren Bay Region
Eugene Laveroni, Beaumont-Farmington Hills
Andris Kazmers, McLaren Northern Michigan