MVC has added a new PCI component to their Pay-For-Performance (P4P) measures. This is separate from BMC2 P4P.
The Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM) P4P includes three components based on MVC claims data, accounting for a portion of the overall incentive. The first of the three components includes price standardized, risk-adjusted 30-day total episode payments for four different episode spending conditions.
Data show notable variation in 30-day readmission rates after both inpatient and outpatient PCI, representing a key opportunity area for the collaborative.
For PYs 2026 and 2027, hospitals must select one condition for the episode spending metric; PCI has been added to the list of episode conditions that hospitals can choose from.
BMC2 is working closely with MVC to ensure our participants are aware and efforts are aligned moving forward.
You can use the following resources for more details about this change for 2026-2027, including information on the two other components and MVC’s administrative claims:
- This FAQ document answers some of the most frequently asked questions regarding PY 2026-2027.
- The PY26-27 technical document can provide more detail on the methodology for this two-year cycle.
- Visit this PDF for PCI-specific information from an MVC instructional webinar.
For any other questions, please contact the BMC2 Coordinating Center at bmc2.info@umich.edu or the MVC Coordinating Center at Michigan-Value-Collaborative@med.umich.edu.
Thank you for your continued partnership in improving quality of care and outcomes for cardiovascular patients across Michigan.