MVC’s Jana Stewart, MPH, MS, presented the poster “Using the Collaborative Quality Improvement (CQI) Model to Improve Cardiac Rehab Utilization in Michigan” during the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Forum on December 8 – 11, 2024 in Orlando.
Cardiac rehab (CR) was significantly underutilized in Michigan and across the U.S. As of 2022, only 1 in 3 eligible cardiac patients enrolled in CR after discharge from an eligible cardiac event or procedure.
The poster outlined how the Michigan Value Collaborative, BMC2, and the Michigan Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons collaborated to establish the Michigan Cardiac Rehab network (MiCR) and support improvement efforts across the state of Michigan.
MiCR utilized the following strategies with the goal to equitably increase the rate of cardiac rehab utilization to 40% among all eligible AMI, CABG, PCI, SAVR, and TAVR patients in Michigan:
- Data analytics and benchmarking
- Practice sharing via conferences and meetings
- Peer networking opportunities
- Performance incentives and mini grants
- Templates, toolkits, and materials – including NewBeat
A survey showed that hospitals using NewBeat materials have experienced increased confidence in patient and physician understanding, resource readiness, and an effective referral process.
The poster showcased how the coordinating partners of MiCR tracked progress toward statewide goals for CR utilization using MVC’s medical insurance claims data and were encouraged by observed improvements in enrollment rates across the State of Michigan. MiCR will continue successful strategies and address additional areas needing investment and attention in the future.
Additional poster authors included Larrea Young, MDes; Noa Kim, MSI; Mary Casey, MPA; and Mike Thompson, PhD, MPH.