Nate Yost’s greatest passion in life is expanding his horizons and comfort zones. He tries new things whenever possible and encourages others to do the same. Nate joined BMC2 in October of 2012 at the suggestion of fellow Applications Programmer Senior, Michelle Hughes. After doing freelance work for years, Nate was looking for a full-time job, ideally working with content management software like Drupal, and found BMC2 to be a good fit. He enjoys that his work has rapid, real medical value and appreciates his co-workers who he describes as “enjoyable, smart folks.” He also likes the easy-going work atmosphere that BMC2 offers.
Each day for Nate is a little different. He may be answering questions about the numbers in reports, delivering on data requests, or working on website and server improvements. Systems administration and architecture hold a special place in Nate’s heart and he’s found modernizing our server stack to accommodate web updates to be a fun project over the past year. As BMC2 grows and expands, Nate is excited about scaling our technology to support a bigger footprint.
Inspired by his love of video games, Nate learned to program computers and write software when he was in middle school. His hobbies are numerous and have taught him many skills, including designing electronics, hunting, running non-profits, building houses, and leading a disaster response team.