We are pleased to announce an additional VBR opportunity in 2022 (paid in 2023) focused on smoking cessation for participation in BMC2 Vascular Surgery.
Measure: Proportion of smokers who receive smoking cessation treatment. Current smokers (either documented at pre-procedure or discharge; excludes marijuana-only or vaping-only) must receive 2/3 of the following:
- Physician-delivered advice
- Nicotine replacement therapy
- Referral to smoking counseling services
Target Performance: >25%
Practitioners may receive up to 102 percent of the Standard Fee Schedule for meeting the performance target on the measure, independent of their performance on the primary VS VBR measures. The scoring and selection process are otherwise the same as the primary VS VBR measures.
Example #1: Practitioners who meet performance targets on both the primary VS VBR measures AND the smoking cessation additional measure are eligible to receive up to 105 percent of the Standard Fee Schedule.
Example #2: Practitioners who do not meet the performance targets on the primary VS VBR measures but do achieve the performance target on the smoking cessation additional measure are eligible to receive up to 102 percent of the Standard Fee Schedule.