Last fall, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan charged BMC2 with creating Health Equity Dashboards for each of our registries. Consortium members gave input on ways BMC2 can impact health care equity that are measurable at the individual level, proximate to health care outcomes, and actionable. Participants also shared ideas about which measures might be useful for looking at differences in race and/or Area Deprivation Index.
BMC2 PCI is the first registry to develop a Dashboard, and after pilot testing and refinement by the Advisory Council in the first half of 2024, it is now available for consortium use.
While BMC2 previously collected data to report age, race/ethnicity, sex, and zip code, variables in the new dashboard were expanded to include insurance coverage.
The Dashboard allows the ability to view your site’s data against the data of the collaborative and choose measures including:
- Cardiac rehab liaison
- Cardiac Rehab referral
- Aspirin prescribed at discharge
- Dual anti-platelet therapy (DAPT) at discharge
- Guideline medications at discharge
- Beta blocker at discharge – all patients
- Beta blocker if prior MI or LVEF <40
- Lipid lowering agent at discharge
- Ace/Arb if LVEF <40%
- Ace/Arb in DM/HTN
Reports were posted on June 3rd. BMC2 PCI Participants were notified and will find a link to their site’s dashboard by logging into our secure shared space on Nextcloud.
BMC2 VS and MISHC dashboards will be released later this year.