The MISHC Collaborative Webinar was held on Tuesday, April 18th from 6 pm – 7:30 pm.
After a welcome by Dr. P. Michael Grossman, Dr. Jaffar M. Khan, of NHLBI, NIH presented on Hypoattenuating Leaflet Thickening (HALT). Dr. Stanley Chetcuti moderated the discussion. You will find a video of Dr. Khan's presentation on our YouTube channel.
Dr. Grossman also moderated the discussion after case presentations on TAVR structural valve deterioration by Dr. Bashar Al Jayyousi. You will find a PDF of his presentation on the password-protected side of mishc.org. Before the meeting adjourned, Dr. Grossman moderated the next steps for MISHC related to HALT, including consideration of a statewide best practice. Volunteers who are interested in participating in developing guidance surrounding HALT please contact Annemarie Forrest by emailing avassalo@med.umich.edu.
Please continue welcoming Dr. Raed Alnajjar as our new co-program director for MISHC.
You will find our newest MISHC best practice protocols, for antithrombotic therapy post-TAVR and MISHC TAVR readmission prevention, on mishc.org.
Please join us to discuss current topics in TEER and TMVR during the MISHC Collaborative Webinar. This gathering will be held on Tuesday, June 20th from 6 pm – 7:30 pm.
Save the date for the MISHC Coordinator/Abstractor Meeting on Friday, November 10th, 2023. The meeting will be held from 10 am – 3 pm and the location for this event is still being determined. The MISHC Collaborative Meeting - combined with the Michigan Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (MSTCVS) Collaborative Meeting – will be held on Saturday, November 11th, 2023 from 9 am – 12 pm at the VistaTech Center at Schoolcraft College. Registration and details will follow soon!