Thanks to all who attended our January meetings. Did you miss a meeting or do you need a refresher? Read our summaries.
The PCI Coordinator Meeting was held on January 13th from 10 am – 11 am. Amy Shirato shared BMC2 PCI field updates. There are deleted fields in the medications section (Abiximab, or Reopro), the outcomes post section (repeat angio and Q-Wave MI), and the patient history/comorbidity section (prior ICD and pH fields under cardiac arrest within 24 hours). Additionally, all COVID-19 fields are being deleted for 2022.
SGLT2 Inhibitor and GLP-1 are being added as medications at admission.
BMC2 2022 dictionary updates include updates to procedure (LVEDP-language updated to address mechanical support devices), history/comorbidity (timeframes added for GIB, TIA/CVA, atrial fibrillation/flutter, and addressing which patients meet criteria for IDDM), outcomes post-procedure (restrict coding to 30 days post-procedure for prolonged hospitalizations), discharge (restricted coding to procedural report and specific medication needs to be included for P2Y12 duration), and lipids (we’ve added non-HDL acceptable as an LDL equivalent.)
Kathleen Frazier shared 2021Q3 report updates which include updates regarding the SGLT2 inhibitors and GLP-1 Agonists. There are now subgroups for IVUS/OCT, and we have also updated major bleeding to exclude ECMO and ECPELLA.
PCI abstraction scenarios were presented to address some questions commonly asked by coordinators. These slides are available for review on the password-protected website.
The 2022 Phase A Peer Review timeframe for physician review of cases is March 14 – April 11. Case lists have been posted on bmc2.org. Coordinators are to upload redacted materials by February 17th. Updated instructions for coordinators and physicians can be found on the website. Physicians will receive their case enrollment form via email on March 14th. The deadline for physician review completion is April 11th.
A reminder that there are two separate deadlines for internal peer review submissions this year. The deadline for PCI Physician Internal Case Reviews is May 9th.
The Vascular Surgery Coordinator Meeting was held on January 19th from 11 am – 12 pm. The definition for the 2022 Documentation of EVAR Imaging performed on the 1-year follow-up form measure has been revised. The collection date for the post-procedure imaging has been changed from 9-14 months after the discharge date to 6-14 months after the date of discharge. This change was made due to feedback from the consortium regarding physician practices.
Jamie Lindsay and Tom Frederick from Michigan Medicine Continuous Quality Development presented “Managing Change: How to Get People on Board with a QI Initiative. Jamie and Tom explained that change is a process with four stages – denial, resistance, exploration, and acceptance. To manage change is to manage people through change. It involves identifying the stakeholders, understanding how people process change, and helping people navigate that process.
After identifying stakeholders, it’s important to divide them into categories. Those with a critical role, those that need to know about the change, and those who are interested or tangentially related to the change. They explained that 1 in 3 people would avoid change if they could and that it’s important to identify the resisters and bring them on board. To do this, it’s important to understand why people resist change and that resistance isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It can help to clarify the problem, strengthen and improve the change, and forces you to think before making a change.
The most effective way to get an agreement is to tell a persuasive story. To tell an effective story, you need to connect with why the change is needed, use facts, and connect to the wants and needs of the stakeholder and their customers. You should anticipate people’s fears and have a response. It’s also important to identify the early adopters of change. You should treat them as equals. Leadership is over-glorified, as it is the first follower that creates a leader.