BMC2 and the Michigan Value Collaborative (MVC) have been collaborating to improve cardiac rehab utilization since 2019, and now have formalized their shared goals by forming the Michigan Cardiac Rehab Network (MiCR). MiCR aims to equitably increase participation in cardiac rehabilitation for all eligible individuals in Michigan. The network, co-directed by Dr. Devraj Sukul from BMC2 and Dr. Michael Thompson from MVC, will continue to convene cardiac rehab professionals, cardiology health care providers, payors, and patients to address current issues in cardiac rehab and create resources to help optimize cardiac rehab utilization.
An advisory committee of 15 non-CQI members will support the coordinating center by reviewing the goals set by MiCR, providing feedback on future directions, lending their expertise on cardiac rehab materials, and facilitating networking to the larger cardiac rehab community. Statewide meetings engaging all cardiac rehab stakeholders will be held regularly throughout the year.
MVC-generated reports on cardiac rehab utilization will continue to be distributed to MVC, BMC2, MSTCVS-QC, and MISHC member hospitals. A Best Practices Toolkit is in development to be released in the spring of 2022 and a Network website is also slated to house cardiac rehab-related resources. We look forward to sharing these resources with you, and to the impact the network will have on improving the lives and outcomes of patients through cardiac rehab.