BMC2 is pleased to announce that Dr. Ryan Madder will be joining the coordinating center as a Strategic Advisor. The Strategic Advisor will meet with other leaders on a tri-annual basis to discuss priorities for BMC2, including strategic direction of the organization, consortium-wide meeting goals and topics, peer review goals and topics, annual incentive goals, new reporting opportunities, new initiatives, and others.
Dr. Madder currently serves as the Medical Director of the Cath Lab and Section Chief of lnterventional Cardiology at Spectrum Health where he has practiced interventional cardiology for 10 years. A native of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Dr. Madder attended the University of Pittsburgh Medical School. He then completed his residency in Internal Medicine at Washington University in St. Louis and fellowships in cardiovascular medicine and interventional cardiology at Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak. Dr. Madder's research interests include intracoronary imaging with a focus on near-infrared spectroscopy, radiation safety in the cath lab, and robotic PCI.
Dr. Madder has demonstrated dedication and commitment to improving care quality and outcomes through his engagement with BMC2. More deeply engaging him in BMC2 strategic planning will strengthen the organization and benefit all consortium members.